gang n. 1.一队,一群;(盗贼等的)一帮;(儿童等的)一伙。 2.(工具、机械等的)一套。 3.〔美俚〕棒球队。 4.〔美俚〕大量。 a gang of thieves 一帮贼。 a chain gang系成一串的囚犯。 the gang of roughs 暴力集团。 vt. 1.把…编成班组。 2.〔口语〕合伙攻击。 3.使成套。 vi. 〔美国〕成群结队;作伴 (with)。 gang up 〔美口〕成群结队;勾结起来;聚集,集合。 gang up on [against] 〔美俚〕成群结队的对抗[攻击]。 gang up with 〔美俚〕同…联合起来一致行动。 n. = gangue. n. 〔苏格兰语〕 路,路程。 vi. 〔苏格兰语〕 去,行走。 gang agley 〔苏格兰语〕 (计划等)出差错。 gang one's ain gait 按自己的意思行事。
Those guys won't gang up on you again . 那些家伙不会再合伙整你了。
She ganged up on me with those rough boys . 她伙同那些粗野的男孩对付我。
They're ganging up on us . 他们在联合起来反对我们。
I don't want the two of you ganging up on me like that . 我不想让你们两个那样勾搭起来对付我。
In his job , all the people ganged up on him 在工作中,他的同事们合起来欺负他。
Ought not gang up on a man three - to - one 你不应该侍众凌寡
Every year , all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool 每年,孩子们都对我群起而攻之,将我抛入游泳池。
That way , you can all gang up on the weaker ones , like winston here 这样你就总能打败那些弱小的孩子,就像文思顿一样
Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us , trying t force us out of that business 一些较大的贸易公司纠结在一起来对付我们,打算把我们从该行业中排挤出去。
Ll : exactly , maybe they think that if they gang up on me , then i ' ll be sure to call them at least every other day 那你以后会不会隔一天就给他们打电话呢?其实,这也可以做到嘛。象我们现在休息的时候,你就可以打。说几句话就可以了嘛!
gang up onとは意味:~を集団{しゅうだん}で襲う、よってたかって攻撃{こうげき}する My wife's relatives gang up on me when she complains to them. 妻がグチをこぼすと、親戚連中はよってたかって私を攻撃する。 Why did you gang up on him and make him cry? よってたかって、何泣かせてるんだ?